Steamist SMP-30 KW Steam Bath Generator installed in a home spa.
Many people experience the benefits of steam bathing in commercial applications, usually in big rooms with other users sharing the same air and space. Some users prefer the same commercial feel in the privacy of their home. This machine was installed for a steam room of about 1100 cubic feet. The steam unit was paired with the 250 control that provides time and temperature settings with the patented dual temperature sensor technology, this provides an extremely comfortable steambath session with very little fluctuation in set temperature. Just imagine a very relaxing, uninterrupted steam session in the comfort of your home. The AD-240 auto drain valve will empty the steam unit eight hours after use, this will keep the tank and element clean and free of sediment build up. Steamist manufactures extremely reliable steam units, providing the highest quality available in the market and lifetime warranty.
This is a replacement of an old steam generator with the Amerec AK9 Steam Bath Generator paired with the new K2 Time and Temperature Control.
Amerec manufactures top of the line steam equipment with extremely effective continuous steam technology, the machine creates a very abundant flow of steam and even when it reaches set temperature the steam never stops! Enjoy an uninterrupted flow of steam reaching temperatures up to 125 degrees fahrenheit. Steam provides cardiovascular and respiratory health benefits also releasing the toxins from your skin. Bring the health benefits of steam bathing on a daily basis with Amerec Steam Equipment. |